Category: Basket Ball

5 Tips to Become a Great Basketball Coach

There is always room for improvement, for athletes and coaches alike. A lot of coaches could benefit from a little tweaking in their approach. Having a meaningful impact through their coaching requires a lot more than an in-depth knowledge about the plays of the game and strategies. Successful coaches need to develop impactful relationships with their players built on the foundations of communication, confidence and trust.

Let’s take a look at the top 5 ways you can up your game and become a successful basketball coach.

Consistency and confidence

To start off, you should employ these two “cons” to your benefit and always be consistent and confident. They come with another “con” – contagious, if you may. The combination of confidence and consistency spreads confidence among the players and help them identify what to expect from you.

Your players will start losing confidence in you if you don’t enforce the same rules across the team for everyone. Players will start trusting you if they know who you are. Whether its simply ensuring that everyone wears their basketball jerseys melbourne for practice or appointing positions on the field, you should be fair to every member.

Be yourself

Continuing from the last part, athletes don’t want to play for someone with multiple personalities. If you are kind and gentle in front of everyone else and start bashing their brains in when you have time alone with them, you won’t be able to get them to follow your game plan.

Agreed there are times that require some tough love but be positive and honest. Displaying consistent behavior will help them trust you better.

Stay positive

Being positive with your players produces long-lasting results. It instils a sense of confidence in the players that they can trust you. If players aren’t on the same page regarding the team goals, there isn’t much you can do. The only way you can change this image is by staying positive and driving out negativity from the team.

Control the intensity

Being intense doesn’t mean that you have to be loud and obnoxious all the time. What that does mean is that you should pursue all the goals through hard work and dedication. If you can get your message across without shouting, you can drive results effectively and efficiently. To some it may seem like you lack intensity, you shouldn’t worry. The players understand that they have a job to do, they’ll enjoy working hard if you are willing to put in the work and you can enjoy the win together as a team.


While letting your players kick and relax can allow them to recuperate and come back with an ironclad resolve to win, it is important that you don’t let them slack off during training and fall short of the standards you’ve set. Identify what are your goals and push the players to achieve them.

Interesting Ways on How Basketball Players Spend Their Free Time

Let us face it, professional basketball players are some of the busiest people that we can think of. Imagine the insanely-hectic schedule of a basketball legend like LeBron James or the unforgettable Michael Jordan when he dominated the game. These players work incredibly hard, and it is almost inconceivable to think of what they do in their free periods.

  But really, what do basketball players do whenever they are not on the courts doing all the hoops and loops? This is a question that this piece will answer. The following are some of the interesting activities that basketball players spend their free time doing: 

  • Bonding with Family: Of course, this is not only expected, but it is also extremely important. Spending time with family is one of the most crucial things that basketball players do whenever they are not on the court. Family members and beloved relatives are some of the biggest pillars of support that we can all have. This is a phenomenon that even the most famous basketballer is not immune. So if your favourite basketball player is not on the court displaying sophisticated dribbling talents, then there is an excellent chance that he or she is spending some quality time with family. After all, there is nothing like family.
  • Living life with Friends: It is often said that the purpose of life is to live a life of purpose. Friends give us some of the greatest purposes in life and sometimes, just creating memories with them is all we need to get through the rough times and the bad days. Basketball players are also human, and they also have friends whom they always crawl back to when times come for someone to lean on.
  • Travels and Excursions: Considering the fact that basketball players are highly-paid and many of them have lucrative deals and contracts, it comes as no surprise that many of them go on travels, trips, and excursions whenever they are free. Some choose to travel to exotic islands in faraway seas while some other basketball players choose other less flashy destinations. However, what is for sure is that these basketball players love voyaging whenever the opportunities pop up.
  • –       Health Appointments: Just like other sports people, basketball players have to be in top-notch health status always. This explains why basketball players have regular appointments with doctors, therapists, psychologists, nutritionists, dieticians and of course, fitness experts. All these are measures to ensure that they remain healthy and all anomalies relating to bodily functions are promptly addressed. So, as you can see, basketball players have a lot that they find to do whenever they have free time on their hands.